Re-Making Pre-History
Our prehistory represents the vast, unexplored mystery of our past that we endeavor to comprehend with these unmatchable visons.

Hand Made


Hand Painted
Unique One of a Kind Collective Memories
Are a blend of individuality and communal experience. After all, it is a Journey, so travel with us.

Well travelled Art.
Imagine this clothing line as the canvas for the Art, which our own ancestors made. These images can be found literally everywhere in the world. What that means is, that that they are a huge part of us. All of us. You and me, us and you. It is one of those things that connects us on the deepest and furthest level.
“In order to get closer to this work, for it to leave your gaze and enter your thoughts, you need to come to terms with an extremely rare and weak interpretation of facts: there’s hardly any information on the society that made it, its symbolism, or as to how it could have been used.”
Rémi Labrusse
Archaic Avant-Garde
“Through a spiritual synthesis of ancient wisdom and contemporary thought, we sail through prehistoric aesthetics towards contemporary practices. Some argue that this is a cultural renaissance, one that involves reclaiming the past and repurposing it in radical ways.”
The Authentic Bond of Humanity
“We are united by shared experiences of suffering and joy, with struggles for survival, hope, and resilience across cultures and generations forming an authentic bond that transcends time and space.”
Symbolic Threads – the Essence of Our Species
Throughout history, humans have used art, symbols, and metaphor to express abstract ideas, emotions, and the human condition itself. The creative impulse that drives us to make art – whether through painting, dance, music, or storytelling- is a “Thread” that defines the essence of humanity.

People need to learn about the four reverences which human beings should experience through symbols:
– the reverence for the spiritual world,
– the reverence for the physical world,
– the reverence for other people and
– the reverence which can then be built up out of these three reverences, namely the reverence for ONESELF.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe